
A Tensorflow Implementation of A Higher-Order Graph Convolutional Layer

In traditional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), a series of convolutional layers calculate a location-equivarient transformation. This is done by rasterizing a learned filter across the spatial dimension. Typically, CNNs are used on images which…

Convex Hull App

In materials science it is important predict the phase stability for a system. The realization of stable phases identifies which structures are best for synthesis, thus accelerating the discovery of novel materials. To preform this analysis…

Digital Graffiti App

Digital Graffiti is an AR experience that lets users place tags in their environment to display 3D models. When a user encounters a tag in the wild, this application allows one to view the 3D model associated with that tag in augmented reality…

Materials ML API

Using computational methods such as density functional theory (DTF) to calculate the properties of materials is both computationally expensive and time consuming. For large systems, calculations can take weeks to months to complete and require…

Materials ML App

During the development of the property-labeled materials fragments (plmf) model for predicting materials properties we decided to make the model accessible via a web application. This application provides users a means to upload materials structures…

Library of Crystallographic Prototypes

High-throughput frameworks discover new materials by decorating structure prototypes with different atomic species. These structure prototypes act as blue-prints for a material and are curated from a number of different sources such as the Pauling…

Materials Atlas Project

During an REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) in 2014 I was part of an effort between my Undergrad university (Southern Connecticut State University) and a group at Yale to characterize large compositional libraries of metallic glasses…


As anyone raised in the 90's would tell you, we LOVE Pokémon! So in order to become familiar with Angular and RxJS I created a simple Pokédex app for the original 151. The application retrieves its data from the Pokéapi and the sprites where…

Tensorflow boilerplate

I found that it is not to hard for Tensorflow projects to become monoliths if one does not take some consideration when organizing their code. As a result, I decided to search look for some guidelines on how to structure a Tensorflow project and came…

MERN stack boilerplate

It goes without saying that the MERN stack is one of the most popular stacks for modern web development and, as a result, there exist many boilerplates. However, in my opinion most of these boilerplates include more than is necessary to get started…